News Blog Posts

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Don’t Wait for Santa! Order Early for a Stress Free Christmas!

Xmas, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil Kangaroo Island

Celebrate Xmas with us on Kangaroo Island

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Refining Still History Kangaroo Island

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Unique Parties at Emu Ridge, fun games and catering!

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Flinder’s Chase Visitor Center & New The Rocks Cafe Reopens

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Aromatherapy Diffusers

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Australian Lemon Myrtle Oil

Clove bud oil, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil Kangaroo Island

Clove Oil Uses

heritage tourism program 980x551

Emu Ridge receives a grant from the Activating Heritage Tourism Program

old dog meme

How to rid your dogs of Fleas and Ticks, and it works for us too! 100% Australian Eucalyptus Oil

History, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil Kangaroo Island

A Brief History – Kangaroo Island Eucalyptus Oil Industry South Australia

Old MacGillivray Post Office

Kangaroo Island Macgillivray Post Office