News Blog Posts

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Christmas Themed Disco and Dinner Party

Emu Ridge at night

Catch up time at Emu Ridge

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Kangaroo Island Wool Special

hanson bay kangaroo island

Kangaroo Island one of the Best Regions to Visit in the World!

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Made in South Australia Plastic Free Wipes

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Cafe Scrumptious moves after Devastating Main Sreet Fires

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Melbourne Cup Luncheon on Kangaroo Island

Chef Megan's Table 'KI Locavore' at Emu Ridge

Chef Megan’s Table ‘KI Locavore’ at Emu Ridge

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We can send Eucalyptus and Tea Tree oil overseas!

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Kangaroo Island in Spring

Magpies, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil Kangaroo Island

Magpies in Spring – Clever little birdies!

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Kids Disco and Dinner