How to rid your dogs of Fleas and Ticks, and it works for us too! 100% Australian Eucalyptus Oil

Flea and Tick repellent for your pets:
One of the most common problems your pets may be dealing with is annoying fleas and other parasites. They can cause great discomfort for your pets as well as health problems such as skin irritations, allergies, anemia and even death if not treated.
Chemical treatments may get rid of fleas, but they can also cause side effects such as breathing problems, tremors, vomiting, skin irritations and permanent nerve damage.
Using natural remedies such as Emu Ridge eucalyptus oil is a safer alternative to chemicals, as well as keeping your pet’s coat healthy and vibrant, because the fleas and other insects hate the smell of eucalyptus oil. You may need to apply the oil more often than you would chemical formulas, but it will effectively and safely repel fleas without hurting your pet.
What To Do:
- Begin by shampooing your pet. Mix 5 drops of eucalyptus oil into approximately 250 ml of a natural, no-tear pet shampoo. Use an eyedropper to measure the oil and mix well.
- Start the bath water to get it to a good warm temperature. Place a cotton ball into each ear of your pet to avoid water and soap getting in, and then wet your pet’s coat thoroughly and completely.
- Bathe your pet as you normally would with the eucalyptus shampoo, creating a nice rich lather from head to toe. Be careful not to get shampoo in the eyes. Rinse your pet and repeat with the eucalyptus shampoo. This time, rinse extremely well.
- Towel-dry your pet from excess water and follow with a thorough blow-drying.
For added protection after and between baths, you can make a repellent:
1 cup of water, 2 cups of distilled white vinegar, 2 teaspoons of vegetable or almond oil and 3 drops of eucalyptus oil then put the mixture into a spray bottle. Mist your pet lightly with the mixture every so often and let it air-dry. You can also mix in a few spoonful’s of lemon juice, which will repel ticks and fleas.
HINT- This deterrent also works for flies and other insects as well. Spray onto the pet’s dry coat, staying away from sensitive areas including eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals. When outdoors for an extended period, spray this solution on 2-3 times per day. Don’t add the eucalyptus oil for cats, it is great for horses, dogs, goats etc. This recipe below is tried and tested to.
You can also use a cotton wool ball soaked in Eucalyptus oil and gently dab behind your pet’s ears, along their back and under there arms, and then groom, this is a great deterrent.
Keeping your carpets parasite free. Make a simple flea repellent carpet powder by mixing 1 cup of corn-starch with 15 drops of eucalyptus oil and dust this powder all over the carpets, leave for 15 minutes and then vacuum. A parasite free home will help your dogs be safe from further reinfection of fleas.
Eucalyptus oil can also be rubbed into your pet’s collar to work as a natural flea collar. Below is a great recipe to deter fleas with this natural flea collar. Reapply approx. every 2 weeks.
The eucalyptus oil has been proven effective in most cases, but you may have to alter the recipe to find the best solution to meet your pet’s particular needs.
DETERRENT FOR BEDDING & THE HOME: Use a eucalyptus or tea tree dilution in watering can to wash floors, soak pet’s kennel and favourite sleeping patches on sand or paving or doormats etc.
Rinse all bedding after washing with strong dilution of eucalyptus or tea tree oil (with a dash of vinegar to
mix the oils into the water) and dry without rinsing. Repeat at least monthly.
Remember to vacuum carpets well and frequently. The flea life cycle is about a month in the summer, so keep up intensive treatment for at least a month.
Eucalyptus oil is also handy for your dog in other areas to:
- Skin therapy: It can be useful to help soothe skin after insect bites, stings, and skin rashes.
- Antiseptic qualities: Its disinfectant properties can be useful for skin problems and also when cleaning bedding. Add a few drops of oil in the wash works wonders.
- Antiviral and anti-inflammatory.
- Works as an expectorant.
- Respiratory therapy: Good for relief of chest congestion. Its inhalant properties help to combat respiratory problems such as sinus infections and bronchitis.
- Fragrance: Eucalyptus can also be very effective against pet odour.
Repellent of ticks for you and your family:
Ticks are terrible as these creatures can be as lethal as a venomous snake in the wrong scenario! If your camping, hiking and getting outside to play, then don’t let these pesky parasites stop you. Here’s how to make a simple and home-made repellent!
In a spray bottle mix 2 cups of distilled white vinegar (you can also use apple cider as it doesn’t smell as strong), 1 cup of water and 20 drops of Eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus oil is a calm, soothing scent that also works as a tick repellent).
After mixing the solution, spray onto clothing, skin and hair before going outdoors. Re-apply every four hours to keep ticks at bay, and examine your skin and hair when back inside to make sure no ticks are on the body.
You can order Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil right here – we can post Eucalyptus Oil nation-wide within Australia.
Did you know Arthritis/Joint pain
Eucalyptus Oil soothes and penetrates the skin to bring quick relief to inflammation sufferers. Eucalyptus Oil relieves pain in joint and muscles pain, it can help arthritis, chronic pain, injuries and rheumatism. Very effective on both dogs and humans, but should not be used on cats. This essential oil increases circulation and dilates blood vessels, bringing a feeling of warmth to the area where applied and encouraging healing with improved oxygenation of the blood. Mix it with Emu Oil and you will find amazing results. This link with take you do all the amazing uses for Emu Oil and how to use it. It can be used exactly the same as its used for human use its moisturising, great for itchy dry skin and eases pain. It can also be taken orally. This is another pure natural Australian product, I swear by!
Risks of Using Eucalyptus Oil on Your Dog
- Only use 100% pure, not all oils are equal!
- Be aware of the label, its the same rules for dogs as it is for us. Dogs are more sensitive. Keep essential oils out of their reach, and when applying essential oils avoid the mouth region, eyes and mucus membranes.
- Its advisable to be careful using eucalyptus oil or any essential oil undiluted for your pet. In its pure form it can burn sensitive areas the same as people.
- Do not use eucalyptus oil for cats the same as you would for dogs, cats LICK their fur so it can get straight into their digestive systems and cause toxicity.
- Introduce any oils slowly, and always be sure to monitor your pet’s behaviour and symptoms for any signs of distress or discomfort.
- Remember smaller dogs need a lot less than a larger dog.
We have used it on all of our dogs since our inception in 1991, it has been very successful and our dogs never had any side effects.