Kangaroo Island Winter ideas

Our Winter on Kangaroo Island is from June to September, the island is mild and our rain comes during this time. August tends to be the coolest month of the year, while July usually has the most rain. Winter time on KI is a time for quiet beaches, warm fires, intimate dining where you can try all of our great food and wine venues and there is lots of indoor activities to be found. Outdoors its a time for amazing scenery, whales, baby joeys and abundant birdlife!
We’ve put together some of our great products that will help get you through the winter happy and healthy!
Vapour Rub is always a winner for many things during the winter months when coughs and colds are at their worst. The base is our beautiful Kangaroo Island Organic Beeswax and Kangaroo Island Olive Oil. Our products are all made in small batches and they are lovingly made, bottled and labelled by hand by a real person. This link will take you to some extra info and the other awesome things you can use our Vapour rub for and the link to purchase it.
Our Emu Ridge organic lip balm is what you need any kind of weather day or night! This totally natural product protects against the sun, wind and elements while providing an excellent moisture repair for chapped, dry and sore lips. Extra info here
The One is a stunning accommodation property on Kangaroo Island, they have the best bath view don’t you think? Talking about baths our relaxing and invigorating Bath Salts are always a great pick me up to add to your back and our all natural bath bombs are so good plus they clean your bath! How good is that!
The cooler weather is also the time that those aches and pains flare up. To keep your joints and body pain free our emu oil can help! Then you can get out in the beautiful fresh, crisp air and go for a walk, it will do you the world of good! Emu oil is an all-natural anti-inflammatory and is also wonderful for soothing tired sore muscles and helping to relieve those aches and pains. It also helps all skin problems, dry, itchy or irritated skin, these conditions often get worse in the Winter months , with heaters and fires removing much of the moisture in our homes and offices. So keep it in mind the link will take you so all of its amazing uses here!
Our Eucalyptus and Honey Drops are great for easing coughs and sore throats.
We sell these all over the world! Gluten free made in SA from our 100% pure Kangaroo Island Eucalyptus oil and Honey. For more info on our sweets go here
We hope you enjoyed the read and find some interesting info to help you over the cooler months, we hope to hear or see from you soon.
Barrier Balm
This barrier balm really works, its soo good at protecting your hands as you work. If your hands are in water a lot or working outdoors then this is a must for you. Great for nurses, mechanics, gardeners and babies! Lots more info here