Kangaroo Island Challenging times ahead, recovery begins!


Just a quick hello as we know many of you have been concerned for us all on Kangaroo Island. The drought and then the fires! We certainly have been faced with a challenging time over the past few months.

For those unaware we thought we would give you an update on what’s been happening. We have recently had a devastating bushfire that burnt half of our beautiful island.

We have been humbled by the prayers & concern received from friends, family, visitors & customers worldwide. We really appreciate you all.

Kangaroo Island is hurting but we are all still here! We are open for business!

We are one of the lucky ones!  Our families, staff, homes, our business & our trees are all safe. We are devastated by the impact the fires have had & will have on our community, parks, farmers, businesses & wildlife. 😢Our hearts go out to all that have had losses 😢

We thank you for your continued support of our products and Kangaroo Island. We all need it to help rebuild what we once had on our beautiful island.

Below is some news from us on Kangaroo Island

Kind regards Larry, Bev & Staff

Kangaroo Island Bushfires

Our hearts and thoughts go out to everyone affected by the devastating bushfires. We are so grateful to the amazing people that volunteered to be in such horrible conditions, and while we are safe, we grieve the losses our beautiful island home has sustained.

There is a long road ahead for our community including the main 2 industries on KI – Agriculture and Tourism.

See more about the fires and how you can help

We have had Rain!

On the 31st of January we had a lovely rain, about 60ml in our area. I took this video of our emus having a dip, they were so excited. Their pond had been dry for over a year! It happened to go viral, so they are now the famous Emus from Emu Ridge!

See the Video here

Great Time for a Holiday!

To help us heal and rebuild our community there are some great deals on offer if you are wanting to visit us! The South Australian Government has launched the #bookthemout Campaign. All pathways to us, the ferries KI Connect, Sealink & Qantas and many of us have special deals to entice you to visit our beautiful Island. To help us out!

See more here

Maine Beach Eucalyptus Range is being Discontinued!

**STOP PRESS** Maine Beach Eucalyptus Bodycare Range to be discontinued! It is regret that the Company that makes our Eucalyptus Body care range has decided it’s had its time! If you love this range stock up now while you can!

See Why Here


With continual fire ban days in December and the fires in January we have been very hesitant to make our eucalyptus oil as it is a fire underneath the still. But we are happy to say that Larry and our son Tristan are back doing 2 cooks a day to catch up. It’s the new growth from Spring that gives the best oil yields.
Distilling process here

The Kangaroo Island Narrow Leaf Mallee Eucalyptus Oil

Image of
We have been producing our 100% Pure Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil since 1991. With a multitude of uses, Eucalyptus oil is antibacterial and antifungal, removes oil based stains and sticky things. It’s a penetrating oil as well as having medicinal properties. Therefore it’s an ideal natural product for in and around the house, for the body and in the workshop.
Thanks again for the love and support we have received during this challenging time. If your wanting to help in any way the best way right now is to purchase some thing from us from our online shop or of course come and visit.

Warm regards Bev, Larry & our team at Emu Ridge
