Tea Tree Oil Australian

What is Tea Tree Oil?
Our Tea Tree oil is a 100% pure, 100% natural Australian essential oil. This volatile essential oil obtained by steam distillation of freshly harvested foliage of Melaleuca Alternifolia, one of about 200 species of Melaleuca indigenous to Australia. The oil is clear, colourless to pale yellow, with a characteristic odour.
The Curative Power of the Tea Tree
The versatile use of the Tea Tree has been well known to the Aborigines for thousands of years. They made healing compresses of the leaf for wounds, cuts and skin diseases. For inside cleaning they ate some leaves, and the women changed their babies in Tea Tree bark to cover them from inflections.
Today the Australian doctors have rediscovered Tea Tree Oil as a cure against skin problems and many more. The oil possesses bacterial activity against a wide number of bacteria and fungi. A broad range of cosmetic, therapeutic, veterinary, household and industrial products include this oil for its healing powers with clinical trials proving the oil’s effectiveness.
Some uses for Tea Tree Oil
In and around the House: A disinfectant for cleaning and a deodorizer. It is an antibacterial and anti fungal oil, helps remove mould and mildue.
The body: For cuts, burns and abrasions, the oil is a natural antiseptic, acne, relieves insect bites. It is an insect repellent, soothes muscular aches and pains, a mouthwash and training oil, as it is very penetrating. In the bath for a feeling of well being. Used as an effective maintenance for hands and feet (athlete’s foot, warts, corns, horny skin, nail abscess, nail bath and foot odour.
Nail and foot fungi isn’t nice! As soon as you notice signs, mix together a few drops of tea tree oil, and a teaspoon of olive oil. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply to affected area pressing it on gently but firmly so the liquid comes out. Let this dry naturally. Alternatively, you can place 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in enough water to soak your feet in, and do that for 15-20 minutes. Both treatments should be done morning and evening
Animals: For cleaning pet areas and removing fleas and ticks.
Essential oils can benefit pets, but please remember that the skin of animals is much more sensitive than that of humans and essential oils should be used sparingly. Essential oils can also be poisonous if used incorrectly. You should never use essential oils directly onto the skin of cats.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms worsen or change unexpectedly, talk to your healthcare professional.
LARRY & BEV TURNER – Telephone + 61 8 8553 8228 P.O. Box 299 Kingscote 5223, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Farmers of Australian Native Flora & Fauna – Specialising in Eucalyptus distilling
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