South Australian Shows and Events

South Australian Shows and Events, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil Kangaroo Island

Once again, we are headed up to Yorke Peninsula to sell our goods at the Field Days in Paskeville. Leah from AW Vater & Co always looks after us. We have been in their Marquee in the same place for the last 6 field days.

We thank everyone in the area for their continued support. Larry and I lived in Kadina for a while so its always great to catch-up with family and old friends!

Thanks to my sister Coralie and her partner Smillie who continued on selling our Eucalyptus and Emu oil at the Melrose and Jamestown show. Its always great to get your products out and about.

Coralie, Merino wool ambassador Catriona Rowntree and Smillie selling Kangaroo Island Marino Wool Garments

Melrose Show Display


Shemia my niece enjoyed being a model in at the fashion parade. Working for Nadia Stamp where she worked alongside the other Finesse Models. What a great job she did to!

Shemia my Niece in the fashion parade

It’s not just farm stuff. There is something for everyone at the field days my granddaughter Maggie got her hair braided by the Tafe team very cute!