South Australian Eucalyptus Oil Industry

Kangaroo Island’s Eucalyptus Oil industry is a vibrant part of Australia’s history. Eucalyptus oil was Australia’s first unique export and has been used by Aboriginal people for thousands of years. The potential of eucalyptus oil was first documented by the first fleet chief surgeon John White in 1788.
FH Faulding & Co., a multinational company with its corporate headquarters and major factory in suburban Adelaide, South Australia, is Australia’s only national pharmaceutical wholesaler and one of just three major Australian-owned pharmaceutical manufacturers.
The company’s origins trace back to 19 May 1845, when Francis Hardy Faulding opened a retail pharmacy on Rundle Street, Adelaide. He partnered with Luther Scammell, and the business prospered. After Faulding’s death in 1868, Scammell became the owner.
In 1845, Faulding engaged a young studying chemist from England, Joseph Bosisto, to study 30 species of Eucalyptus sent from Australia. After three years of diligent research, Faulding brought Bosisto, now a qualified pharmacist, to Adelaide to continue their pioneering work. Bosisto arrived in Adelaide aboard the Competitor in June 1848.
After completing his contract with Faulding, Bosisto moved to Victoria during the gold rush of 1851, hoping to strike it rich. However, he focused more on studying local flora than on gold prospecting. In 1852, Bosisto returned to Adelaide, married Eliza Johnston, and later settled in Richmond, Victoria.
Count Ferdinand von Mueller, who became a lifelong friend of Bosisto after meeting him shortly after his arrival in Adelaide, began working as a chemist in Rundle Mall. Mueller had arrived in Australia in December 1847, spending several years practicing pharmacy and studying South Australian flora before relocating to Melbourne in 1852.
Progress in eucalyptus oil production remained modest until 1853. At that time, Mueller invited Bosisto to join him to further develop the eucalyptus oil industry. Their collaboration laid a strong foundation for significant growth and success in the industry. While Mueller achieved fame as a botanist, Bosisto’s efforts were instrumental in advancing eucalyptus oil production.I hope you enjoy this little bit of South Australia and Kangaroo Island History. This link will take you to more about the Kangaroo Island eucalyptus oil industry.