New Joey Orphans for Spring 2018

Once again Bev has some orphaned animals she is looking after. This Spring she has 2 Joey Kanagroos, and a wallaby.
Bev has been hand rearing orphaned animals for 26 years! She has had Kangaroos, Wallabys, Possums, Birds. Once they’re old enough, they are released back into the wild on Emu Ridges farm sanctuary.
The joey kangaroos we currently have are Leo, Bambi and we often babysit Kindy Boy. Leo is the oldest at 14 months and now doesn’t need to live in the pouch (bag/basket) but still will try to get in one when he can. Bambi is 10 months old and still lives in the pouch (bag/basket). Bambi was found on the Dudley Penisula by a couple who named him after his unique markings on his head. Kindy Boy is Bev’s daughters joey and he is also 10 months old. His name comes from when Mel took her children to kindy and on the way they found him, therefore he got the name Kindy Boy. Eucy the wallaby is 10 months old and is now semi released like Leo.
The joeys all still have 4 bottles a day. Sometimes a lucky visitor gets to feed one!
This is little Bambi 9 months old to cute!
They are little rascals just like a child or domestic pet as they grow. If you are visiting our beautiful island make sure you drive safely and if you see a dead animal on the road please check the pouches for little ones and it you find a baby or injured animal please call the local vet or National Parks in your area and we are always happy to help.