Mother’s Day Newsletter 2018

Hi from Emu Ridge and beautiful Kangaroo Island.
Autumn is here and we continue to have beautiful weather. We are all hoping some rain arrives soon as it has been extremely dry.
Larry is working on a new still and we will be excited to reveal the changes in the next newsletter.
On the 8th of April we were proud to have recently celebrated Emu Ridges 27th Birthday, time certainly flies.
We thank you for your continued support.
Warm regards from Larry, Bev and the Emu Ridge staff.
Cover Photo – While volunteering her time on Kangaroo Island at the Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Oil distillery UK artist Laura Hepworth designed this beautiful pastel for Bev and Larry Turner the owners.
The Superb Fairy-Wren is voted Australia’s favourite bird, Malurus cyaneus – Maluridae.
We are super excited to have this AMAZING SPECIAL available for Mother’s Day! The Duo Pack Was $39.95, now only $20.00 and you receive a Hand Cream & Body Mousse which individually retail for $25.95 each! You won’t find a special like this anywhere else and is only till stocks run out. So get in quick as they’ve been running off the selves.
Phil Lacey was recently featured on Landline ABC. He manufactures our Emu oil. It was a great program which highlighted Emu Farming and it’s sustainability as well as all the wonderful uses for the oil. You can view the story hereand of course we’ve got plenty of information on the oil here on our blog. With only 12 Emu Farms in Australia make sure you purchase 100% pure Australian Emu Oil for the best quality.
This is a great activity for those of you with children looking for something to do in the School Holidays, make some for Mothers Day, add a few of your favorite flower petals!
With Winter nearly here, the cold & flu season arrives as well! These DIY shower discs will unblock any stuffy nose without the use of harsh chemicals. Just place them in the bottom of your shower. They are great to pop in the toilet to! You’ll find the full recipe here.
We cannot forget our popular Vapor Rub & Eucalyptus Sweets which we stock in our shop & online.
What’s Been Happening At Emu Ridge?
UPDATE on Emu’s & Wallaby’s

Our Emu’s have grown so much over the last 7 months as you can see in the picture. They are still curious as ever and even enjoy some play time with Chopper our Kelpie/Border Collie dog.
Kapunda Farm Fair 2018
Bev and Coralie from Rustic Blue were just recently at the Kapunda Farm Fair near the Barossa Valley. It was a great opportunity to showcase our great products such as Eucalyptus, Emu, Tea Tree oils, KI Honey, Soaps and other wonderful natural products. It was pretty good weather and thanks to everyone for visiting our stall, it was lovely to meet you all!
Kangaroo Island Wool
We are excited to stock the new range of Kangaroo Island Merino & New Zealand Possum fur garments.
“Merino Possum is 55% warmer than wool alone. Its lightweight seamless and easy to care for. Feels divine, so soft, No pill and zero itch.” – Kangaroo Island Wool
Shop online here and use the code EMU-RIDGE to get FREE worldwide shipping!