Kangaroo Island Marron at Emu Ridge Cafe

We have added an exciting new addition to our Emu Ridge Cafe Menu. Kangaroo Island fresh water Marron. Its a great bush food in keeping with our business, its indigenous to Australia and another form of sustainable farming of our natural resources, just like our eucalyptus oil!
Please note marron is no longer available on our menu due to supply but we do have a delicious menu here to choose from.
Live Marron from our tanks provides nothing but the freshest produce. Kangaroo Island Marrons sweet delicate flesh and rich fresh flavour is claimed to be one of the world’s most indulgent foods.
Marron Cherax cainii are fresh water crustaceans origionally from Western Australia, but introduced to Kangaroo Islands rivers in the 1980’s. Marron is the largest freshwater crayfish in Australia and the third largest freshwater crayfish on Earth. They can grow up to 380mm and weigh about 2kg! Kangaroo Island now has a few Marron farms in operation, our Marron comes from the Tretheweys farm KI Gold.

Share tasing platter of Kangaroo Island Marron at Emu Ridge
Marron according to some of the top chefs are the best tasting freshwater crustacean in the world. Marron have more meat to shell ratio than any other crustacean. They vary in colour from black to magnificent cobalt blue due to genetic variation and when cooked become a mouthwatering orange. Marron can be cooked in many ways, the easiest and quickest is by boiling. For a delicious and attractive alternative they can be butterflied and barbecued! Ours are boiled and finished off in the grilled served with a delicious crunchy Asian salad, and 2 delicious in-house dipping sauces!