Kangaroo Island History – Emu Ridge

Looking back at Emu Ridge
It’s funny how much this rings true for us and for a lot of people!
We can all go through life working hard and keeping busy. We all get to a point where we need a holiday or a change to break the monotony. It’s so important to look back and reflect on how life has changed. Businesses grow, the kids get older, the house expands. Certainly for us since we opened in 1991 a lot has changed, and we are proud of where we are today 🙂
Don Burke officially opened Emu Ridge in April 1991 and the kids had a ball the distillery was their playground! Wow how things have changed they now have children on their own!
The original Emu Ridge shop front
The Turner kids playing on their “playground”
Equipment and machinery – The Still is STILL being used today!
What the Shop and entertaining area looks like today.
Thanks for reading!
Lucy 🙂