Fibromyalgia and Emu Oil

What’s the link between Emu Oil and Fibromyalgia? Emu oil has been proven to be an all-natural anti-inflammatory. Consumers are reporting relief from the use of Emu Oil as an all-over massage product for fibromyalgia. Emu oil has potentially beneficial ingredients to help ease the pains associated with fibromyalgia, arthritis, and muscle strains/sprains. Emu oil, in addition to being anti-inflammatory, has the ability to pull other beneficial components deep within the skin, helping them to go to work faster to relieve pain. Some of our customers have 1 or 2 teaspoons a day to help from the inside out to help with inflammation. Emu oil is full of EFAs, which are necessary for many bodily functions. However i know that some of our customers say using it externally seems to help them better. You will have to experiment so see what helps you best.
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Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder for which the cause is still unknown. The fibrous tissues in the body (muscles, ligaments and tendons) ache with pain.
Many who suffer with FMS say they feel like their muscles have been overworked. Along with this overworked feeling, some muscles may twitch, throb or have shooting and stabbing pains. A burning sensation may also be experienced.
The pain of FMS has no boundaries. The pain associated with FMS runs deep, and oftentimes the pain and stiffness are worse in the morning.
Fatigue is also a major problem associated with FMS. Some FMS sufferers may experience mild fatigue, while others are incapacitated by the fatigue. A feeling of total energy drainage is common.
Sleeplessness is another major problem associated with fibromyalgia. Researchers found that patients could fall asleep without much trouble, but their deep level (or stage 4) sleep was constantly interrupted by bursts of awake-like brain activity.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBD) is found in 40% – 70% of fibromyalgia patients, as well.
Treatments for fibromyalgia are traditionally geared toward improving the quality of sleep and reducing pain. Non steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs may also be beneficial.
To purchase Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Emu oil visit
This information was sourced the Emu oil Institute
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