Eucalyptus oil a great natural cleaner

Did you know? Eucalyptus Oil is great to clean scuff marks from shoes and handbags! Also the floor and so much more.
We had a lovely tourism student from Canada working with us at Emu Ridge and she said to me; look at my shoes they were so clean when I first arrived and now they have all these marks on them, what will clean them? Not a problem I said, I grabbed our Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil and a cloth and said this will do the trick and it did, she was very surprised. This essential oil certainly is a natural versatile product that we all forget about sometimes. Lets get back to chemical free cleaning in the home, its so much better for us and the environment! ~Bev~
Another lady, Nyree had a similar experience with her handbag and this is what she said; “I used my beautiful new Coach bag yesterday and foolishly wore a new pair of jeans at the same time. By the time I got to my sister’s house I realised my hands and new bag had been stained blue! I was devastated.
When I got home I used Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Oil to clean my hands and used a few drops on a cloth to clean my bag. It all came off without damaging the bag! So freaking relieved.🍃 it’s great for removing scuff marks from shoes, handbags, floors etc”
We know the bowls ladies and men love our eucalyptus oil for getting scuff marks off of their beautiful white shoes, cleaning there bowls, handbags and bowls bags. It’s great for cleaning any kind of shoes!
Smelly Shoes
Shoes or sneakers can become musty or smelly quite quickly. To refresh them place shoes outside in sunshine and wipe the inside with a cloth moistened with Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Oil.
Apparently tea bags work to! To make the teabags even more efficient add a few drops of Tea Tree or Eucalyptus oil, you can also wipe the insides of your shoes on a regular basis to kill the bacteria that causes the odour.
Here’s another tip, its an old wives tale but apparently it works. Stuff the shoes with newspaper. That’s right. Newspaper! Leave over night and your shoes should be “stink-free” come morning!
To help prevent shoe odours soak some cotton wool with a teaspoonful of Eucalyptus Oil. Place the cotton wool wad into the toe of an old stocking and put in the toe of any shoe. Not only does this help prevent odours it also helps keeps the shape intact.
Baking soda is also awesome. Stuff some old cotton socks with stuffing, add some baking soda its great for absorbing odors, seal with a rubber band or stitch the top closed. I’ve heard kitty litter can be used the same way. Just leave these socks in your shoes when your not wearing them.
Dryer sheets with a few drops of Eucalyptus oil will absorb the odours. Tear them in half and leave in your shoes when you not wearing them.
If you can, wash them, pop them in the washing machine add a teaspoon of Eucalyptus Oil with normal washing detergent and then dry them completely. From then on use the above tips and they will never stink again!!
Cheers, Bev
Proprietor of Emu Ridge on beautiful Kangaroo Island
Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Oil
Below is a brief overview of Emu Ridge and our unique eucalyptus oil on Kangaroo Island, we are one of the last 100% Australian Grown Organic Eucalyptus Oil Distilleries! Buy Australian produced today click here to order from Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Distillery!
This unique oil is the only one of it’s kind in the world. It is distilled from the leaf of the Kangaroo Island Narrow Leaf Mallee (Eucalyptus cneorifolia). Emu Ridge is the only commercial Eucalyptus Distillery remaining in South Australia.
Distillation of this essential oil began in the 1880’s and dozens of stills were established, making it one of the Island’s major industries.
One company, F.H.Faulding & Co purchased Emu Ridge in 1923, establishing two plantations in 1938 for the purpose of systematically harvesting it on a rotational basis. (The Narrow Leaf responds well to pruning.) Most success, however, was achieved by individuals who set up stills as a seasonal sideline.
Our oil is distilled in the traditional method at Emu Ridge. The leaf is placed into a pot containing water, beneath which a fire is lit, steam carrying the oil is passed through a system of cooling pipes, the oil separates and is piped off into containers. The raw oil undergoes another refining process to produce the final product crystal clear oil.
Native farming is far better for our environment, no sprays and chemicals, a great renewable resource and natural product.
In and around the house:
A disinfectant for cleaning floors, toilets etc
A deodorizer, a spot & stain remover, e.g. soiled clothing, anything sticky, stickers, chewing gum, paint & ink marks.
Cleans bathroom tiles, brass, ovens, plastic & vinyl. For washing woollens & clothing.
The Body:
For cuts, burns and abrasions, the oil is a natural antiseptic, acne, relieves insect bites, is an insect repellent, soothes muscular aches & pains, a mouthwash, hand & skin cleaner, training oil, in the bath for a feeling of wellbeing, a decongestant for colds and flu by vaporisation, inhalation or embrocation, for sore throats, (adults a few drops with a teaspoon of honey).
In the workshop:
Cleans paint brushes, removes tar & stains & is a penetrating oil for any seized or rusted parts.
For cleaning pets, removing fleas and ticks.
My Recipe book will help you with how to use our 100% pure Australian eucalyptus oil!