Emu Oil & Rosacea

What is Rosacea?
This is a disease affecting the skin of the face. It usually starts with redness on the cheeks and can worsen to include additional symptoms. Rosacea may be hard to recognize in its early stages because changes are gradual. As far as we know today, Rosacea cannot be cured, only controlled.
Rosacea is usually seen in adults, affecting fair-skinned people most often. Women get Rosacea more often than men, but men are more likely to develop rhinophyma. One famous person who had Rosacea was W.C. Fields – many folks thought Mr. Fields facial coloration was linked to alcoholism, when in fact, it was Rosacea. Drinking alcohol can make rosacea worse, even people who never drink alcohol can develop rosacea.
What Causes Rosacea?
There are many theories but none have been proven. Researchers now believe that there is some link between rosacea and “blushing”. This is a chronic condition. Symptoms may come and go in cycles. The condition may go in remission for a while, it is often followed by a worsening of symptoms (redness, pimples, red line or nasal bumps).
How Can Emu Oil Help My Rosacea?
Always seek professional medical assistance for Rosacea, including when introducing a natural skin products like emu oil. As part of your routine of skin care for Rosacea-affected skin, it is important to note what you use to cleanse your face and how you clean it. Keeping your skin moist is important. Follow a regular cleansing routine, using emu oil soap. Since emu oil is a “tissue nutrient”, emu oil soap is gentle to the skin, and moisturizes rather than drying it. Recommendations of the National Rosacea Society (NRS) are to apply a quality moisturizer to the skin after mild cleansing. Here is where pure emu oil comes into play.
Apply pure emu oil to your skin 3 times per day. Emu oil is an excellent skin moisturizer that penetrates deep into the many layers of the skin. Since emu oil mirrors the composition of the lipid profile of human skin, you won’t find a better companion for your skin. As such, it may work as a great natural red skin appearance reducer for Rosacea. While emu oil is not medically proven, we have seen numerous cases where appearance was improved. If you’re looking for Rosacea redness product, you’ve got nothing to lose by talking with your physician about giving these amazing products a try.
The NRS also recommends choosing facial products that will not clog pores. Pure emu oil is non-comedogenic and will not clog pores.
This information has been sourced by Emu Ridge from – http://www.emu-oil.com/
No information contained within the pages of emu-oil.com should be construed as medical advice. We are not doctors. Please contact your physician for medical advice. We make no medical claims, expressed or implied.