Emu oil for Skin Irritations, Fungas, Eczema, Dermatitis

We have had many happy customers that have found great relief from using emu oil for the below issues. I personally am allergic to perfumes and preservatives and get itchy rashes from these things. I use emu oil as my face cream, and as an all over moisturiser, I love it. Bev
Emu oil absorbs into the skin easily because it contains fat lipids that are similar to those found in the tip layer of the skin. The oil is also able to break through the barrier of the skin and penetrate deep within the surface, allowing it to act as a powerful moisturizer. It can be used to smooth rough elbows, knees and heels; soften the hands; and reduce itching and flakiness from dry skin.
Because of emu oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, it has the power to reduce swelling and a number of skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema. It also stimulates skin cell regeneration and circulation, so it can help those suffering from thinning skin or bed sores, plus it helps to reduce the appearance of scars, burns, stretch marks, wrinkles and sun damage.
Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a chronic skin disorder. When it is flaring up – which can be weekly or monthly for some – it is characterized by red, itchy skin. This condition usually occurs in people with a personal or family history of atopy (allergic asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or food allergies).
To aid in the relief of this disease you need to identify and reduce those factors in your life that exacerbate the disease. These are different for each person, so no one therapy is appropriate for all eczema sufferers.
Irritants: Environmental factors can have a big effect on eczema. To prevent irritation, minimize the use of soaps, solvents, and other drying compounds. If soaps are to be used they should have minimal defatting activity and a neutral pH. Non-soap cleansing agents are also available. Since residual laundry detergent in clothes may also be irritating, a second rinse cycle would be beneficial. Changing detergents may also help.
For hand dermatitis, it is important to avoid irritant contact with solvents, soaps and detergents. If you wash your hands frequently, it is important to apply emollients after every washing. Pure Emu oil and emu oil based creams are an excellent method of re-hydrating the skin after washing. Wearing appropriate gloves when using potential irritants is also important.
Allergens: Allergens in the air and in food are often triggers for a flare-up of this disorder. Allergy testing is helpful in determining what allergens to avoid. Occasionally, using an electrostatic air purifier can help reduce aeroallergen exposure at home or in the workplace.
Dietary management of atopic dermatitis continues to be a controversial subject among doctors. The most common allergens appear to be eggs, cow’s milk, soy, wheat, nuts and fish.
Infections: If you get a bacterial, fungal or viral infection, it may cause a flare-up of eczema. If eczema is weeping or oozing, if it is crusted, or if it has small bumps, have your doctor test for the presence of bacterial infection.
Helpful Hints for Eczema
Hydration: Your skin is dry, not because it lacks grease or oil, but because it fails to retain water. Therefore, to correct dryness, water is added to the skin, followed by a grease or oil-containing substance to hold the water in. This can be done by soaking the affected area in a basin of water, in the bath or in the shower, for 20 minutes using warm water. Pat the skin with a soft towel to remove excess water, and immediately apply Emu oil. You should bathe and lubricate at least once a day or more for optimum hydration. Many folks find additional applications (2 or 3 times a day) of agents like Emu oil that hydrate the skin, help keep their skin moist.
Although eczema can be difficult to live with, we hope the above suggestions will help alleviate some of the discomfort associated with it. Remember: no two cases are exactly alike and each person may have different needs.
Emu oil for Skin Fungus
Skin fungus infections are hard to recognize. The itching, flaking, redness, and thickened skin of fungal infections can look just like other types of dermatitis or skin allergies. In fact, eczematous skin often becomes infected with fungi, so both are present simultaneously. Doctors use microscopes to help them diagnose skin fungus infections, so there’s no way you can really be sure at home.
Fungus and yeast infections have little to do with hygiene — clean people get them, too. Despite their reputation, fungal rashes are not commonly caught from dogs or other animals, nor are they easily transmitted in gyms, showers, pools, or locker rooms. In most cases, they are not highly contagious between people either.
Athlete’s foot is one type of fungal infection that usually appears between the toes but can also affect toenails and the bottom or sides of the feet.
Jock itch is a fungal infection of the groin and upper thighs. You might think only men and boys get it, but girls and women can get it, too.
Candida is a yeast, similar to a fungus. It most often affects the skin around the nails or the soft, moist areas around body openings. Diaper rash in babies can be from one type of candidal infection, as can thrush (white patches often found in the mouth.) Women may develop another form of candidal infection in and around the vagina. This is called a yeast infection.
The photos below are of the hand of Dennis who is plagued by what his doctor has called a “skin fungus”. With his occupation in the construction industry, his hands are exposed to wet concrete, dry lumber, and a lot of abuse. His hand was washed with Emu oil soap and pure Emu oil was applied three times per day for 6 days. The results were amazing!
As you can see, after 6 days of Emu oil use the hand is looking much better; fresh pink skin has appeared in place of the old, pocked skin.
Remember: no two cases are exactly alike and each person may have different needs. There are also many types of fungi, and not all varieties will respond to the same substance. See our “Research” section regarding Emu oil and skin.
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Relieves Pain from Breast-Feeding
Topical application of emu oil can relieve painful, dry and cracked nipples that are experienced by mothers when they begin breast-feeding. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that applying emu oil to the areola is effective in soothing damage caused by breast-feeding. In the study, 70 at-term breast-feeding mothers used emu oil-based cream on the areola, and the treatment was effective in improving hydration of the area while it did not affect skin pH, temperature or elasticity.
To purchase Emu oil visit our online shop www.emuridge.com.au
This information was sourced by Emu Ridge from the Emu Oil Institute
No information contained within the pages of emu-oil.com should be construed as medical advice. We are not doctors. Please contact your physician for medical advice. We make no medical claims, expressed or implied.