Clifford’s Honey Farm 30th Birthday

Two Generations United at Clifford's Honey Farm


On December 10th 2023, our beloved neighbours at Clifford’s Honey Farm celebrated their 30th birthday. A family business, I think & know is very a special thing, filled with passion, lots of dedication & hard work, well done to you all on your achievements, love from all of us at Emu Ridge

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When we started our business in 1991 Dave was a hobby bee keeper, we used to sell their honey though our tiny shop, and Dave managed a couple of our hives as well, there creamed honey used to walk out the door, it was and still is delicious! We encouraged them to do just as we had done and have their own shop. 1993 was the opening of Clifford’s Honey Farm, we were both pioneers in shaping tourism on Kangaroo Island and we are both still operating our family businesses. Am amazing fete of hard work and dedication!

Dave started beekeeping as a hobby in 1973, we were both originally sheep farmers, diversifying because of the downturn in wool prices.

A family business just like ours, Clifford’s Honey Farm has grown to encompass three generations. Including Dave and Jenny’s children and grandchildren, all of which work together to keep their business growing and thriving.

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Clifford’s Honey Farm offers a range of quality honey and a variety of products from other Kangaroo Island producers, such as pure Ligurian honey, honey mead, Latitude 36 dressings, candles and cosmetics, Drunken Drone Honey wheat ale, honey drinks and biscuits, and more. And of course, not to forget, their famous honey ice-cream. Additionally, visitors gain valuable insight about beekeeping and discover the amazing history of our very own unique Ligurian bee, found solely on Kangaroo Island.

We wish our wonderful neighbours down the road a very happy 30th birthday, and hope to spend another 30 years growing alongside one another.


Thank you Clifford’s Honey Farm for some of the photos.