Australian Travellers at Emu Ridge

We are so lucky here at Emu Ridge to have such amazing people come and work with us and join our family. Part of our business is welcoming in Grey that travel Australia that stop and work here with us, share their expertise, experience Kangaroo Island and have some fun. We have had builders, nurses, business owners, chefs, massage therapists and scientists just to name a few. They are so important and valuable to our Business. Below are some of the Grey Nomads we have welcomed over the past 6 months and a bit about them…….
At the moment we have Brad and Leah. I think they thought they were coming here for a bit of a rest but they are straight in helping us around Emu Ridge and in the Kitchen, making amazing food and fantastic coffees with such a great sense of humour.
Annette and Bob visited us from NSW. We were so lucky to have them from Bobs great handyman/ building skills and Annette’s wonderful and happy smile. We were a bit spoilt as Bob is an amazing photographer so we have some wonderful photos of their time here . Bob also spent two days at our Basketball Grand finals taking pics of our Staff and their children that were competing.
Matt and Marg visited us from Emerald Victoria with their gorgeous dog Sayla. Matt was our resident all rounder/handyman/ builder/ kitchen hand and Marg did everything including helping our Naughty Elf on the shelf cause mischief each night. These two helped us celebrate Christmas and New Years to the fullest! We know Angie the Kangaroo misses them as she liked to visit them everyday and night, even going into their caravan for a rest.
Elaine and Bruce visited us from sunny Qld. They were our grounds people and helped Larry with his welding. Nothing was too much and it was lovely meeting them and having them here for a short time.
David and Rose and their little dog Jasper also visited us from WA. They were very brave and visited us during winter. They also were busy doing a bit of everything in our business and we know they loved feeding Mels lambs when she was away.
Once again a big THANKYOU to our travellers!!