Aussie Mums Croc Nightmare – Larry helps rescue and Emu Ridge supplies Womans Day with images

Well we made it into the Womens Day from our trip away in Darwin!. Larry helped rescue Ashlee-Jaide from the crocs in Kakadu at Cahill’s Crossing and I supplied 4 photos so that Emu Ridge and our website got a mention! LOL! Its so small on the side of the page Im sure noone will see it!! Glad she is OK though 🙂
We had a great tour today down East Alligator River. And had an interesting start! Larry did his super hero thing for the day. Along with our great guide Neville, and some others. Larry said Neville did an awesome job positioning and keeping the boat steady in the current. The poor girl went behind a truck who said she would be fine! She had been their for over 1/2hour, right where all the crocs gather for the fish. Very relieved to be saved poor thing! Neville only went in that direction because he saw a Sea Eagle and went to show us. Neville said the Eagle took him to her. Full story and our images in this link
Here is the link to the Womens Day story:- page 1 DA2814p032_croclady page 2 DA2814p033_croclady
These links are to some of the other newspapers that did stories and another plus video footage