All-Natural Flea Collar & Flea Powder

The chemicals on flea collars are definitely not something we feel good about at Emu Ridge, especially on dogs and around kids who are playing with them and patting them!
Many dogs are also very sensitive to commercial chemical flea collars, but respond well to natural flea collars made with essential oils.
This homemade flea collar recipe is a natural and healthy alternative because it uses essential oils rather than the toxic chemicals found in store bought flea collars.
How to make your “All-Natural Flea Collar”:
You can use this on a leather, material or fabric collar. To make the mixture, you will need to combine:
- 3 drops Eucalyptus Oil
- 3 drops Lavender Oil
- 3 drops Tea Tree Oil
- 3 drops Lemon Myrtle Oil
- 2 Garlic Oil Capsules
(NOTE: The above recipe is for a medium size dog. For smaller dogs, use 1-2 drops and for larger dogs, use 4 drops)
Put the mixture on your dog’s collar, leave to permeate through for a few hours, and then put the collar on your dog. You can repeat this process once per month. (Depending on where you live and how often your dog is in flea-infested environments). Make sure you remove when the dog is swimming or having a bath.
DIY SPRAY DETERRENT – You can also make a spray on flea deterrent using this recipe plus add 250ml of apple cider vinegar!
We used to make and sell a natural flea powder unfortunately it had to be used quite quickly other wise it started to go mouldy once moisture could get in. It is great for deterring all those nasty pests without any of those harmful chemicals. See more info below about making your own flea powder.
We hate the idea of putting any sort of toxic chemical flea treatment on our dog. Apparently those products are the number 1 cause of pet poisonings. Did you know that on those commercial flea and tick repellents, there’s a big warning to not let it come into contact with human skin. So somehow it’s ok to put all over my dog?!! I don’t think so!
Below is a great recipe for a natural DIY flea power!
DIY Ingredient List and Benefits for a Natural Flea Powder:
1 cup Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
1/2 cup Neem Powder
1/2 cup Yarrow Powder
20 Drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil *Leave out the essential oil if using for cats.
Mix all ingredients together and put in a shaker top container. I used a mason jar with a shaker top lid. Make sure it is sealed as it doesnt have a long shelf life but is a great natural alternative!
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth:
Also known as Diatomaceous Earth or DE, this substance is composed of fine, fossilized remains of aquatic organisms called diatoms. Diatoms are one of the most commonly found phytoplanktons in aquatic environments. Due to diatoms being silica-based, these DE particles are very sharp on a microscopic level. This lets them puncture an insect’s exoskeleton and cause death by dehydration. For humans and pets, however, DE particles feel like a fine baby powder and the food grade, freshwater variety of DE is harmless to them.
NOTE: Make sure the DE you get is “Food Grade.” Other varieties like Crystallized or Filter Grade DE can cause lung damage if breathed in over long periods of time. Food Grade DE, however, is processed differently and is safe for human consumption. That being said, if you foresee yourself using it for a long period of time (like on your yard), it’s probably best to wear a dust mask.
Neem Powder:
Neem is an herb that has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It’s a highly effective insect repellant and contains many compounds that affect insects negatively. For instance, the active ingredient Azadirachtin inhibits the metamorphosis of insect larvae, which means larvae never get to develop into the next generation of fleas. Another compound, called salannin, has been shown to be as effective at repelling biting insects as DEET.
Yarrow Powder:
Yarrow powder has been used by herbalists to treat wounds since ancient times. Many cultures regard it as sacred due to its healing properties. Yarrow is especially effective at treating skin inflammations, as well as having antimicrobial and pain relieving properties. Pets with flea bites often get secondary infections, and yarrow helps to ward off germs while soothing irritated skin.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil:
Our Eucalyptus oil is a natural bug deterrent and like neem, has also shown itself to be as effective as DEET when it comes to repelling insects. It’s also antiseptic properties to heal after being bitten.
Apply from head to tail along your pets spine in dry conditions. Brush your pets fur going the opposite direction so the powder comes in contact with the skin. Avoid the eyes and nose. Rub the powder on the belly and legs. Try to get the flea powder on as much skin as you can.
Brushing the fur in the opposite direction and applying the flea powder with a cosmetic puff works really well. Fleas seem to like the tail, the area right above the tail and the belly/groin area so make sure to pay extra attention to those areas to get them well covered.
How often to apply flea powder?
To use this as a general repellent (with no serious flea infestation), applying once a month during active flea season (end of spring/summer) is sufficient. If the pet gets a bath or gets wet, it will need to be reapplied.
If you have a flea infestation:
You will need to apply more often, depending on how bad of an infestation you are dealing with. I applied every other day until I saw no more traces of fleas (now I’m just using it as maintenance). Some are successful with applying as little as once a week, but others need it more often – it just depends on the level of infestation. Also remember to reapply if your pet gets wet (important!).
If you have a flea infestation, you will also need to apply this flea powder to your floors, windowsills, door sills, pet bedding, sofa, etc. Focus your efforts where your pet spends the most amount of time, since fleas and their eggs will be the most concentrated in those areas. Just apply a light dusting to the areas in your house and leave it there overnight. Vacuum in the morning or sometime the next day.
This flea powder works amazingly, BUT, it will not work overnight if you have a flea infestation. You must be diligent about applying it to your pet AND applying the powder to your home and vacuuming at least once per week for 4 weeks in a row to get rid of an infestation.
You can even use this flea powder in your yard to repel and kill fleas, ticks, spiders, ants, mosquitos, etc!
You can also leave a little bit of flea powder in your door and window sills to prevent spiders, ants and other bugs from entering.
Has your pet ever had fleas? What worked for you? Have you tried any other natural options before? Let us all know!
You can buy many of our other great natural products by visiting our Online Store
Source: primallyinspired