Emu Ridge News December 2017

We would like to thank for supporting our family owned Aussie business and wish you a festive season full of love and a wonderful 2018. We hope you enjoy our newsletter.
Larry, Bev and our great team at Emu Ridge
We are excited to have this wonderful Christmas Hamper available! Great as a gift to someone or just for yourself as a treat! The normal price is $71.45. Special $59.95, this gift will be Gift Wrapped and it includes a body mousse, hand & nail cream, 50ml Eucalyptus oil, 30ml Emu oil and a Eucalyptus soap.
As a thankyou to our valued customers for your support, we would like to offer a 10% discount on all of our products excluding the 2 specials, this offer is available till the 15th of December 2017. We have so many great ideas, we are also happy to make up a hamper just for you. Gift Vouchers are always a great option to.
Summers Here!
Something that tends to happen to everyone is getting SUNBURNT! Even if you think you’ve been extra careful it can still happen. We have a fantastic product that’ll heal sunburn quickly and prevent that horrible peeling, it’s EMU OIL. This oil is not only for sunburn, it can be used for a whole range of things including arthritis, massage for aches, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, scarring, and lots more!
You will also find our natural sunscreen here
What’s been happening at Emu Ridge?

Welcome to the team Tristan!
We would like to introduce you to our son Tristan, after 12 years of building on KI and in Darwin, we are proud and excited to have him back working with us in our family business at Emu Ridge .
We have some very cute Aussie animals here at Emu Ridge. A recent addition is some baby Emu’s, that have more than tripled in size since we’ve had them. The pictures show them with beautiful stripes but over time they’ll disappear. They also love water and have been swimming in the dam on these hot days!
Bev has been an orphan carer for Australian wildlife for 26 years and she currently has 5 joey wallabies. Four of them are nearly old enough to be released back into the wild, and the latest Alina is still very small and gets 4 bottles a day. Follow our facebook or blog for updates
We have had many volunteers from all over the world helping us over the years. They do all sorts of things from serving customers, bottling oil, prepping food for lunches, making gift packs, Cider tastings, translating information sheets, maintenance and much much more! We thank everyone who has volunteered with us, its a chance to share cultures, skills and language and see they way of Aussie life. Its a big help, we really appreciate their time and love every one of them!
New Distillery
Larry has been hard at work during our off-season redesigning the still. He has also been doing some maintenance to his Mechanical Harvester, making new blades and cutters! Each one hand made by Larry! Not long now and we will begin to harvest the trees and make our next batch of Eucalyptus Oil! We are all excited to see how the new still goes and will keep you updated!

Our Newest Granddaughter
We would like to introduce you to our youngest daughter Tiffany her Husband Will, baby John and our newest granddaughter, gorgeous Miss Maggie. How time flies. It only seems like yesterday we just started Emu Ridge and our kids were babies! ❤
This beautiful pic was taken by Hayley Fitzsimons Photography – Capturing Innocence. Maggie is grandchild number 8

All Natural Insect Repellent
The only annoying thing about summer are the insects! Nothing worse than relaxing outside and getting bitten by mosquitoes and midges or annoyed by flies! But this recipe is fantastic to keep them away! We also sell an All Natural Insect Repellent that is already made up.
Emu & Kangaroo Pies!
Another addition to our menu is Emu & Kangaroo Pie’s! The Emu, bush tomato and saltbush Pies are made by Andrew Fielke and are accompanied by Bush Tomato Chutney, and KI Homemade Tomato Sauce & salad. Our local bakery are making our Kangaroo & Native Pepperberry Pies. They’re all delicious, so if you happen to visit us soon don’t forget to try one of these unique Aussie pies! They have been a real hit!
Thank you very much for taking the time to read our Christmas Newsletter. This link will take you to our Blog with great hints, tips and recipes and you can keep up with what we are up to at Emu Ridge.
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year from Larry, Bev and our great team at Emu Ridge.