Volunteer Wwoofers and Workaways at Emu Ridge

Here at Emu Ridge, we welcome Wwoofers, Workaways and Volunteers. It’s a great way for these people to see behind the scenes of so many different tourism businesses and we certainly enjoy meeting people from around the world and learning about their culture!
Wwoofer stands for “World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms”, or “Willing Workers on Organic Farms” It is a loose network of national organizations that facilitate placement of volunteers on organic farms. For more information please follow the link… http://www.wwoof.com.au/
A Workaway is a cultural exchange, you offer a few hours of volunteering in exchange of food and accommodation. To register as a volunteer follow this link… www.workaway.info
Below are just a few of our wwoofers, workaways and volunteers we’ve had:
US girls August 2016 See this link for more
5th June 2016 – Phoebe
We farewell Phoebe a Workaway volunteer from the USA. We thank her for help help and hope she enjoyed her time at Emu Ridge. She will be our last helper for a while as we are enjoying some R & R visiting family in sunny Darwin ☀️?
5th February 2016 – Bianca
We say a kind thank you and goodbye to the lovely Bianca from Austria. Bianca experienced Emu Ridge and had fun designing our new template for our newsletter, waitressing, she did a fabulous job at restocking our shop, helping out in the kitchen and lot lots more. We love to have Wwoofers here at Emu Ridge, it’s a great experience to have people from all over the world come to stay with us, but it’s always hard to see them go.