Tiffany Returns

Tiffany's return, EMU Ridge

We are excited to have our youngest daughter Tiffany her husband Will and our 3 adorable grandchildren move back to Kangaroo Island. Our family Larry, myself Bev Melissa and Tristan making  our business complete, with our whole family working together.

☆☆☆☆☆ Tiffs story ☆☆☆☆☆

First day of my Forever Job!

Since covid and giving up my children’s entertainment franchise of 10 years, I took a year off to be with my family and be a mum while I worked out what I wanted to do next in life. WOW, what a tough gig! 3 kids at home all day every day through lock downs, no school, not having much money, stressing about what skills or qualifications I actually had to secure a new job was stressful to say the least.

Thankfully a job with an old friend popped up teaching school dance programs, that was exactly what I needed for my sanity and I was so grateful to be out of the house interacting with people again, even if it was kids most of the time, but it gave me a break from my own. 😅 This was only a casual position so I  was always on the hunt for something more permanent. While teaching dance and running around after the kids every day of the week with there sporting commitments I also worked……

– as a private caregiver looking after a young girl with disabilities                                                                         – An events coordinator at the lights community centre
– Westfield Promotional team
– A party host and MC
– On the concierge desk at Westfield Marion
– An SSO at a special school
– Events and waitressing at The Gully House and Garden
– Mrs Clause
– And a mascot around Adelaide

2022 was definitely flat out there were new opportunities, breakdowns, tears, learning, and more tears. Looking back now I truly don’t know how I did it all.

As crazy as it all was, it gave me time to process and understand what I actually wanted for my family and I. That’s when we put it to a family vote and Kangaroo Island WON!

I’m looking forward to this new chapter in our lives and exited to be part of a small community vibe, being close to family and giving the kids new opportunities.

BRING ON 2023!

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