The Good Oil On Eucalyptus Production – Emu Ridge Is Proud To Be 100% Australian Produced

A short while ago, an article was published about how Larry and Bev Turner are in charge of one of the last operating eucalyptus distilleries in South Australia. When asked about the story behind all of this, They had this to say:
We were traditionally sheep farmers. In 1991, with the downturn in wool prices, we diversified and became Eucalyptus oil distillers, and are now the only ones in South Australia.
We have revived a historical industry that had once thrived on the Island years before us. Eucalyptus distilling was one of Kangaroo Island’s major industries, distilled from the leaf of the indigenous Kangaroo Island Narrow Leaf Mallee, Eucalyptus cneorifolia. Eucalyptus oil was our first truly Australian product exported overseas.
Unfortunately 90% of the worlds supply now comes from China and Brazil. We are proud to have preserved Australia’s history and heritage and produce an oil that is found nowhere else in the world. We are manufactures and retailers of a huge range of natural and locally produced products that are marketed all over the world. We are also very proud to say that our oil is 100% Australian produced.
Larry and Bev have been successfully been operating their business since 1991 and hopefully will continue for many more years to come as it is a great part of Kangaroo Island’s history.