Eucalyptus Oil Recipe & Uses

The first of its kind, our recipe book for Eucalyptus Oil Recipes & Uses was launched in 1993 full of my own & others recipes.
Our booklet is available, and contains many tried and tested uses that have been handed down for generations in Australia.
Protect the environment with the trees that produce this unique oil, as it is the the only one of it’s kind in the world. Because it is produced from natural Eucalyptus leaves, it can be used In and around the House, On the Body, In the Workshop, Used on Animals etc.
It will give you so many ideas and ways to use Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil, only $5.00 + $1.30 postage within Australia. We are able to post worldwide, but postage may vary, so check website. To order, click here or use any of the hightlighed links. Buy Australian made today!