Emu Ridge Celebrates 20 years of Eucalyptus Oil Distilling on Kangaroo Island 1991 – 2011!
07 February 2014

Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Oil Distillery, 1991 – 2011, 20 years of hard work! If you have the time this is a photo collage that I put together for our 20th Birthday Celebrations. Its amazing, things have certainly grown. Its nice for people to know how we began! Some great memories. Thanks to all our staff and helpers that have helped make us what we are today 🙂
This image was the Official Opening of our Original Shop the Old MacGillivray Post Office by Don Burke and we featured on Burkes Backyard, our first television experience 🙂 This link will take you to our slideshow. I hope you enjoy our journey 🙂