Have you got all your Xmas Gifts yet?
As a thankyou to our valued customers for your support, we would like to offer a 10% discount off of all of our products excluding the 2 specials, this offer is available till the 15th of December 2017. We have so many great ideas in including the great hamper pack, we are also happy to make up a hamper just for you. Gift Vouchers are always a great option to.
We have a wide range of beautiful gift packs and boxes for sale in store and online. They are a unique Australian made gift for that special someone. We will also expertly tailor a gift to suit your individual requirements, full of excellent local produce. We provide customised Christmas or Corporate gifts as well. So if you have a special occasion for someone coming up and would like a gift basket and are not sure what to choose, we are here to help you with heaps of gift ideas. If you would like something delivered on Kangaroo Island we are happy to hand deliver your voucher or gift if it is within the Kingscote area. Otherwise we can arrange delivery for you at a small cost. All other orders are delivered by Australia Post.
We are excited to have this wonderful Christmas Hamper available! Great as a gift to someone or just for yourself as a treat! The hamper includes, 150ml Eucalyptus Body Mousse $25.95, 100ml Hand & Nail Cream $25.95, 50ml Eucalyptus oil $10.00 and a 30ml Emu oil $10.00 and a 100gm Eucalyptus Soap $2.50 total price is $73.85 on Special $59.95 all gift wrapped ready for Xmas. Please let us know if you would like us to include a card or special message. Check out this link for some other great ideas.
We are offering an online only promotion of 10% off the cart price for any order.
Use the coupon xmas17 at checkout, remember the sale finishes on the 15th of December 2017
Wishing all of our lovely customers a festive season full of love and a wonderful 2018