DIY Sore Joints & Muscles & Eucalyptus Oil

Do you have aches and pains and cant find your wheat bag? Easy, make a compress out of a sock and rice! Tie a knot in the sock and pop it in the microwave for 30 secs. If you’re looking for a wheat bag of your own though, well you’re in luck because we also sell them. Click here for our wheat bags.
Our Eucalyptus and Emu oils also work wonders. Eucalyptus Oil soothes aches and pains. Emu Oil is all natural anti-inflammatory oil which means it’s great for those aches and pains especially arthritis! The two oils work beautifully together as the Eucalyptus creates heat and gets the blood circulatng and the Emu Oil reduces the inflammation and soothes the pain. To find these wonderful products click either on the Eucalyptus Oil or Emu Oil to go to our shop.
Our other all natural products can be found at our shop
Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Oil
This unique oil is the only one of it’s kind in the world. It is distilled from the leaf of the Kangaroo Island Narrow Leaf Mallee (Eucalyptus cneorifolia). Emu Ridge is the only commercial Eucalyptus Distillery remaining in South Australia.
Distillation of the oil began in the 1880’s and dozens of stills were established, making it one of the Island’s major industries.
One company, F.H.Faulding & Co purchased Emu Ridge in 1923, establishing two plantations in 1938 for the purpose of systematically harvesting it on a rotational basis. (The Narrow Leaf responds well to pruning.) Most success, however, was achieved by individuals who set up stills as a seasonal sideline.
Our oil is distilled in the traditional method at Emu Ridge. The leaf is placed into a pot containing water, beneath which a fire is lit, steam carrying the oil is passed through a system of cooling pipes, the oil separates and is piped off into containers. The raw oil undergoes another refining process to produce the final product crystal clear oil.
Native farming is far better for our environment, no sprays and chemicals, a great renewable resource and natural product.
In and around the house:
A disinfectant for cleaning floors, toilets etc
A deodorizer, a spot & stain remover, e.g. soiled clothing, anything sticky, stickers, chewing gum, paint & ink marks.
Cleans bathroom tiles, brass, ovens, plastic & vinyl. For washing woollens & clothing.
The Body:
For cuts, burns and abrasions, the oil is a natural antiseptic, acne, relieves insect bites, is an insect repellent, soothes muscular aches & pains, a mouthwash, hand & skin cleaner, training oil, in the bath for a feeling of wellbeing, a decongestant for colds and flu by vaporisation, inhalation or embrocation, for sore throats, (adults a few drops with a teaspoon of honey).
In the workshop:
Cleans paint brushes, removes tar & stains & is a penetrating oil for any seized or rusted parts.
For cleaning pets, removing fleas, fly strike