A visit to Emu Ridge by 48 FJ Holden Club South Australia

Locals, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil Kangaroo Island



A special site at Emu Ridge today, we had all the lovely people from the 48-FJ Holden Club of SA called in to visit. Real Aussie Icons. The FJs ranged from 1948 to the 1956 era. A real tourist attraction in themselves, they were admired by many of our visitors and were very photographed icons We hope they enjoyed your visit!


The 48-FJ Holden Club of SA Inc was founded in 1975 to cater for enthusiasts dedicated to the preservation of early model Holdens,  in as near to original condition as possible. It is rather unique in that it is a two-model club only, covering the original 48-215 sedans and 50-2106 utilities, and the subsequent FJ sedans, utilities and panel vans.


The Club also has a strong social emphasis, which has resulted in friendship and enjoyment being two of its great strengths. While our early model Holdens are our common bond, it is the wonderful friendships among our members, the enjoyable and memorable outings and social activities, and the friendly atmosphere prevailing in whatever we do that make the Club a very special organisation.

We are actually a very disparate group of people, coming from a wide variety of interests and occupations, past and present. The fact that we get on so well together, despite such marked differences, says much about the ethos that successive generations of members have fostered. Far from criticising each other’s Holdens, we aim to be genuinely positive, constructive and encouraging when talking about our vehicles.
There is also a generosity of spirit among the technically gifted and experienced members, who willingly give advice and assistance to members who need it. Spare parts are either bought and sold or donated, in order to keep our vehicles as roadworthy as possible.
Anyone who owns or has an interest in our old Holdens, the 48’s and FJ’s, is welcome to join the Club. If you would like to know more, please come along to one of our meetings – you will be made most welcome. http://www.48fjholdenclubofsa.org.au/ 

