Welcome Chris and Lucy to Emu Ridge!

Welcome newbies Chris and Lucy to Emu Ridge!
We would love you to welcome Chris. Chris has taken over Ella’s position and will be packing your online orders, tour guiding, sales and much more. Chris was a Queenslander and was working as a horticulturist but moved to KI in April, following his partner Chantelle who fell in love with KI, she works at Raptor Domain – Kangaroo Island Birds of Prey. They both love nature and bush walking so this should be a paradise for them. We are excited to have Chris on board!
We would also like you to welcome Lucy, to join the Emu Ridge team! Originally from Adelaide this busy mum of two has enjoyed being an islander for the last 2 years. Lucy is very enthusiastic about KI and local products and is also the Market manager for the Kingscote Farmers’ Market – Kangaroo Island. We are excited to have her working with us.