Staff Training at Emu Ridge on Kangaroo Island

Staff training, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil Kangaroo Island

Emu Ridge would be nothing without great staff. They are such an important part of anyones business. My bosses whom I thank from the bottom of my heart for the training that I was offered many years ago from Kennetts M10 at Kadina, they gave me opportunities to have training in all areas of products we sold and customer service, which has helped mould me into the person I am today.

Meet Jess who has been a valuable member our team at Emu Ridge for 8 months now, she is really enjoying her Hospitality Trainee-ship with HITsa Training and Employment – RTO code 40200. Jess is multi skilled like all of us, but loves making a good coffee . Its great to have her back as an adult, Jess used to work for us during her school years many years ago 

#kangarooisland #stafftraining #ki_coffeeroasters #coffee #supportlocal   #customerservice  #HITsa
