Reusably launched on Kangaroo Island

Reusably, Emu Ridge Eucalyptus oil Kangaroo Island

Say hello to the cup you can fit in your pocket.

The future of reusable containers. The time of the single use cup has come to an end.

The Reusably initiative was launched by these 4 entrepreneurs! Its for KI locals to help stop the waste of takeaway cups & containers, we are proud to be apart of it.

Trade virtual tokens for reusable super-cups at your favourite Kangaroo Island Cafe – streamlined. No cups to carry around, no washing to worry about and definitely no waste from disposable cups. Winner! The cups and containers can be used hundreds of times, and post-retirement we ensure they’re parts are given a new life in the circular economy.

Our first customer to use Reusably, well done Jayne.
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Its for locals that regularly purchase takeaway coffees ☕️ & want to be part of the solution to reduce the amount of disposable cups ♻️ 🙌🏼
Reusably 🧡 is an app developed by an Adelaide University startup:
– Sign up to the app 🧡 ($4/month – first 2 weeks are free)
– Order your coffee ☕️ at your fave shop
– Scan the Reusably 🧡 QR in store to “check out” the cup
– When you purchase your next coffee ☕️ return the cup into the system & swap it out for a fresh clean one
– Repeat!
It’s kind of like a library card 📕 but you’re borrowing a cup (or takeaway bowl – imagine that – NO MORE plastic containers!!) And just like a book, if you don’t return it, you will have to pay 💰 for a replacement cup in the system.
This trial is a first in South Australia‼️ Imagine if Kangaroo Island could eliminate all disposable coffee cups & takeaway containers 💚
There are a number of participating cafés on the island who have nominated to be part of the trial 🙌🏼 You can return cups to any of them 😊
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