Miracle Spray using Kangaroo Island Eucalyptus Oil a fantastic All Purpose Cleaner

All Purpose Cleaner Miracle Spray is cheap natural and works on everything!
With cleaning products disappearing off the shelves it is possible to clean your whole house, from top to bottom, with just the one Miracle Spray. This spray will replace multiple products saving you time, space and money! Its a great natural alternative that works. There are many great benefits when it comes to making your own cleaning products. Not only do they help you save money, but you also know exactly what’s in them. Our environment is filled with toxins and one of the biggest offenders in the toxin department is household cleaners. At Emu Ridge we like to clean naturally and keep as many toxins as possible out of our home and workplace.
Miracle All Purpose Spray
1.5 lt Water ( 1 cup boiled)
300ml Vinegar
60ml Dishwashing Liquid
25ml Eucalyptus Oil
3 dessertspoons of Washing Soda
Its so easy just mix the washing Soda with one cup of boiling water to dissolve it, wear gloves as washing soda can irritate, add the remainder of ingredients, pour into a 2 lt bottle and pour into spray bottles as required. (We recommend getting good quality spray bottles or the eucalyptus oil will dissolve the cheap components inside, we buy ours from our local Jasol rep, but hardware stores will keep the stronger bottles to)
It’s then as simple as cleaning the house just as you would with regular cleaning products.
Eucalyptus Oil
Our Eucalyptus Oil is 100% pure Australian, produced on beautiful Kangaroo Island. You can purchase our oil and other natural products online if you cant visit our store.
Washing soda is found in your supermarket.
Our supermarket keeps the brand Lectric Washing Soda and this recipe is on the back of the packet! You’ll find it in the washing detergent area and its very cheap. It is Australian Made and Owned and all natural. Its a traditional and very economical product that is phosphate and color free. Rid your home of harsh chemicals and save money. We also use it to make our Laundry Liquid.
#kangarooisland #naturalcleaners #eucalyptusoil #sustainablefarming