Kapunda Farm Fair 2018 – Kangaroo Island Produce from Emu Ridge Eucalyptus & Rustic Blue Gallery

( Update we really enjoyed our time at the Fair it was very successful and thank Mr Bill Adams for pestering us at the YP Field Days for the last 6 years! His hard work finally paid off, and what a trooper he is)
Emu Ridge Eucalyptus and Rustic Blue Gallery from Kangaroo Island are very pleased to be offering their produce for the very first time at the Kapunda Farm Fair.
Emu Ridge will have their Eucalyptus oil and associated natural products as well as the very talked about South Australian Emu oil and some great Specials on the day. Emu ridge is the only commercial Eucalyptus oil distillery in South Australia.
Rustic Blue will have a range of Kangaroo Island Merino wool and possum fur clothing and accessories and locally made jewellery, bags and affordable Australian gift ware.
We look forward to the locals in that area supporting us and look forward to meeting everyone.
The 11th Kapunda Farm Fair will be held at the Kapunda Harness Racing Complex on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th of April 2018.
Admission charges also remain at $10 as they have for many years, it is noted some field days charge $16 with no concessions applying. Attracting more crowd numbers is our aim.
Since our successful 2016 event, crops have been excellent with good rains.
The Kapunda township, with history galore, is on the brink of expansion to a degree not seen before. A new supermarket to be built soon, J.T.Johnson and Sons have spent millions on a new pellet mill, and the Kapunda Bowling Club has relocated to an undercover facility (10 synthetic rinks) at Dutton Park, just to name a few. Millions of dollars of developments have created many new jobs in construction and on completion.
We anticipate being able to expand our machinery displays and are reaching out to every state to bring new exhibitors and interest to our growing event. We are blessed with a level and easily accessible site with ample, close, and free parking for our patrons. Fine weather will ensure another good result for all concerned.
A message we are keen to promote is that this is much more than a Farm Fair, it has something for Dad and Mum and the children of all ages. Entertainment is in the process of being finalized and will be more than as in the past. Given good weather, the 2016 crowd of 7,000 will be surpassed.