Kangaroo Island Silo Art

Something exciting and new for our Kangaroo Island community and the town of Kingscote. A grand scale tourist attraction Silo Art!
The silos located at the beginning of Kangaroo Islands’ main town, Kingscote, have been painted in a spectacular mural of local wildlife.
Jude Shurven one of our awesome long-term staff at Emu Ridge and her husband Scott are the owners of the Silos and have been instrumental in bringing the silo art project to KI and have a grand vision for the property that has been disused since 2013.
The huge mural was painted by visiting artists Cameron Scale and his assistant Andy Davis who finished the Kingscote silo art project in January. It only took them 4 weeks to paint it! The mural features a massive 25-metre tall Kangaroo Island kangaroo and an equally large glossy black cockatoo. There is a second glossy black cockatoo with its wings spread, and vegetation all the way up the silo tower and limestone rocks under the kangaroo’s feet, if you look closely, you can also see a flock of little corellas sitting in the trees. It is soo good!
The painting of the town silos has been a long-term goal of Advance Kingscote Progress Association and is part of its “Igniting Kingscote” project.
The photos that were chosen to use for the project was by local tour guide Nikki Redman had the young male Kangaroo Island subspecies looking very benevolent, and the stunning glossy black cockatoo eating sheoak cones was based on a photograph by renowned wildlife photographer and expedition leader Dr Andrew Peacock.
There are now 51 silo art projects across Australia, with Kangaroo Island being the latest.
You can check out a map of all the silo art projects here: https://www.australiansiloarttrail.com/map
Some info above is from this link this will also take you to more pics and information https://www.theislanderonline.com.au/story/7604844/kingscote-silo-art-project-now-complete/