Degustation on Kangaroo Island at Emu Ridge
27 April 2021

We are excited to announce we will be offering another degustation. On Kangaroo Island we don’t get many opportunities for a different dining experience.

This will be a great opportunity to spoil and celebrate the important person or people in your life with delicious food, cocktails and wine. 

Enjoy our “Sea to the Land Degustation” including, Fish, Duck, Pork, Dumplings and Beef. Our chef Birdie, will be serving some favourite meals from the last degustation with some new and exciting meals for you to taste & enjoy with your loved one or friends.
This event is at Emu Ridge and is set in a very relaxed atmosphere in a country bush setting, we want our guests to sit back relax and enjoy the flavours of our Degustation.
Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th of May at 6.00pm.
A limited few will get to enjoy this delicious menu, so book early to avoid disappointment.
$80 per person
Bookings Essential Ph 85538228
All dietary requirements catered for.
Come and enjoy Chef Birdie & Bonds special night they have planned for you to enjoy. Sadly this will be our Chefs last event as they will be leaving us for a job in Sydney.
Take this opportunity to enjoy some unique dishes while they are still on the Island.

These boys are also great musicians, so we hope they have some time between dishes to entertain you